I think Grimlok might be the person here who actually has given it the best thought (even better than mine). By accepting that RMS might not be "perfect" but still he has done a lot of work for the free software world, Grimlok's reply actually appeal to me as a very sensitive and wise way of looking at things. After all, RMS is not a prophet, he is a man, and we should only take his opinions like we take everyone else's opinions. Take in consideration, but make our own mind. Of course, given the fact that he is a "popular person" in the computer world, his opinions actually carry some weight (one good or bad statement could help or hurt the way people look at free software for example). In that regard, I think he should probably NOT take advantage of "immoral" things as long as they don't affect him personally. Again only my opinion, but that's the way I see it. Michał Masłowski comment was also interesting. For me, BSD is actually the most "free license" because it gives you the freedom to do as you wish. Can it be used for enslaving of other people? Yes, but in the moment it's in your hands you actually have more freedom than with GPL. If we lived in community, instead of society, I would probably accept ONLY the GPL license. But given the fact that we live in society, I think BSD is a more "realistic" approach. Of course, GPL has done GREEEEAAAT over the many years it has existed, so, maybe I am wrong thinking this way :P I think my "like" for BSD licenses, come from the fact that I understand the need for a license different from GPL when it comes to "free hardware" or "open source hardware", something that we desperately need, but can only be achieved with a license that allows for commercial use (without hiding any information of course).

In the end, I think I look at RMS the same way FSF looks at Debian. He does a lot of good, and thank God he exists, but he is not perfect and I would rather take his thoughts and work on top of them before presenting them to other people, rather than just "provide a link" to RMS homepage. And maybe it's for the better =)

Well, I thank everyone who commented on this thread, I only wanted to really hear other thoughts about this, and it gave me an opportunity to think about some other subjects. The admins might wanna close it now, since I think my original questions have been satisfied. Thanks again ;)

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