I am in a little hurry right now, but one thing I would like to give you an answer to is the difference between society and community. While this is something that I have been thinking about for some time and have not yet figured the best way to express the whole thing clearly, the fundamental idea is that in a society you have different "classes" of people (like rich an poor), in a society you have business and commerce as fundamental parts of living. In a community you don't because everyone is equal to everyone and they all contribute something to the whole (that is the community) and they all live from the whole. I know that in a first looking at it, it seems like "evil communism" but that is not what I am trying to target at here. Of course, a community of "equal people" is always in danger of "one being more equal than other" and you have the book "Animal Farm" to read if you want to take a look at how easy it is to fall for that "mental trap" but I am trying to think of a community that REALLY works. You don't have to be poor and you don't have to be rich because if one "richness" comes up, it is freely available to all. And no one is poor because through the work of EVERYONE, everyone is feed and happy. So, of course, if we were to live in a community, there would be no need to be able to "sell" things, because commerce would not be the same as we have today. But in a society you need to, because you are expected to earn your own living, on your own and not as a part of the whole society. Ofcourse, if you read some newspapers you might think that we live in a "good society" and that everyone is "equal", but truth is, things are not like that. There are people who are privileged and live a rich life by oppressing other people who are poor and enslaved. A politician makes sure that the law says "politicians have these and these rights" because he himself will get gain from those rights. If those laws mean that other people will have to pay more taxes, he does not care. So, yeah, there are a few good people in society, but for the most part, the system of "society" is good at making divisions and putting people under the power of other people. That is not good, and we should be able to live in community. That would apply to software too.

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