After Valve annouced the release of SteamOS I have been pretty concerned about GNU/Linux becoming more reliant on proprietary software.

SteamOS comes with proprietary nvidia drivers by default instead of nouveau and will probably ship with Catalyst in the future too. I'm afraid that this could grow GNU/Linux's popularity but at the same time turn it into an almost proprietary operating system. At this rate OEMs may start adopting free software but start adding proprietary junkware to it. Think of it as how OEMs tend to add more junk to Windows then that would come with a default install from an official Microsoft CD/DVD.

We already have to deal with many annoying firmware blobs. Fully free distros like Trisquel could have already been destroyed if nouveau were to add firmware blobs to their drivers and if Intel were to start blobbing up their graphics drivers too.

Can you imagine the same thing happening but at a userland level? What if it became a trend that programs started depending on nonfree libraries? Even the grow of licenses like BSD, MIT, and even putting programs into the public domain is dangerous. I have seen people want to replace glibc because of the GPL so that proprietary software can run more easily.

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