Censorship cannot pave the way to freedom.

(1) I think users/comments/propaganda that advocate non-free/proprietary software and related stuff should be seen as an opportunity to further expand and explain the values of freedom. We come across these ideas AFK too. And I don't think we have ready-made answers to each and every comment. It is a living process. So my suggestion is let them be. Those who advocate freedom can (ad should) find ways to answer these claims.

Forum members can politely engage in a debate and critique these views. IMHO giving the power of banning people to certain users can create further unnecessary problems.

(2) If someone violates the Code of Conduct, we already know what to do. Code of conduct includes:

*Discrimination: Don't discriminate against people based on race, gender, sex, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age, class, intelligence, or any analogous grounds.

**Language: Express yourself without hard language (e.g. cursing). Social norms differ from place to place. Hard language could deter people from visiting our site, or from getting involved in our community.

***Personal attacks: We don't tolerate personal attacks here. We encourage discussion. Disagree with others and challenge their ideas. Don't feed the trolls. Please report any flaming/flame-baiting to a moderator using the contact page.

from https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/trisquel-community-guidelines

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