I was taking a read yesterday at the article on FSF website, and I was very happy when I saw that they had recognized the work done by the glug shop. HOWEVER, and I think this is important to say, unless my memory is playing a trick on me, glug RAISED THE PRICES THE SAME DAY! Now... I am not against making a living with free/open software/hardware. I all pro it. But really, just because it has the FSF damn certificate, it has to become more expensive??? Damn, if that's the case, please FSF don't issue anymore certificates! -.- I am not sure, but I think the prices raised 20 pounds (or whatever they call it) a piece. Maybe they needed the extra income, but they should have waited a few weeks, this way it makes them and the FSF look "greedy".
Anyway, I hope more laptops start coming with free bios.

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