Hum... excuse me, but how is having a lot of costumers a bad thing? -.^
I don't know how much he spends to get the laptops, but if he started selling at 100 and is now near the 200, he sure is making use of the publicity to get more and more profit margin. While that is not "wrong" in itself, it does show that the main motivation may not be the "selling of free laptops" but instead "making the most money possible with the excuse of free bios". Again, I am happy that they are able to make a bussiness out of this. I really am! I was actually wondering if I would get one myself (even if I can't really spare money on another laptop right now). But as it seems, I will never get to buy it, because the price keeps going up! And not " alot of people will want it". there are not a lot of people who want a free bios... Dozes of people maybe, but not thousands!

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