В 17:14 +0100 на 18.02.2014 (вт), Michał Masłowski написа:
> The open source Radeon drivers require nonfree firmware for
> acceleration, so it won't work on free systems.  Modesetting often
> works, while there are driver bugs that might lead to a black screen or
> errors on suspend/resume.

Recently I've tested version 3.12 of the Linux kernel on Debian
testing with another card – Radeon HD 6310. It seems completely
useless with free software as the non-free firmware is required for
modesetting. Without modesetting the card starts in vesa mode. For the
little time I had to dedicate to the issue it seemed that the driver
refuses to load at all without the non-free firmware. I found
information on the Internet that there are other such AMD cards. I had
no time to investigate if this is going to be fixed or introduced for
all AMD cards in newer kernels. It might be coincidence with the
unusable nature of Debian testing, but the 6310 is not stable and
usable … no matter the firmware and the mode the kernel starts it in.

My point is that some AMD cards might be unusable at all with free
software even for 2D.

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