On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 07:25:15PM +0100, shiret...@web.de wrote:
> "ads = tracking/privacy issues"
> If you have some facts why this should be true in general, then
> please go ahead and explain them to us.

try a quick search for "how advertising works online" add tracking or cookies 
for more details - tons of info out there on the subject!

> I can't see any reason why this should be true.

> Technically, it is perfectly possible to show a banner of an
> online-shop without sending any data to nsa or anybody else...

it's certainly "technically" possible, but that's not how that industry is 
doing it right now!

> And since firefox is free software we can make sure that it's not doing this.

thank goodness!  but i do think mozilla is selling out it's users on this issue.

> A much better idea than removing the ads, since this will increase
> the financial dependancy of mozilla on google; THIS is helping
> google and the nsa.

you do have a point here, and it's not an easy issue to solve!

i don't personally bother blocking ads, i don't go to many sites with ads to 
begin with...

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