ZykoticK9, you live in a fantasy world where you think a company can release software on a large scale for free without any type of financial backing. Some of the most popular and stable free software that you use was created due to the developers finding ways to make money on it (through donations, services, or corporate backing) and in return, developers want to use it since it is has the support and reassurance that the code will be around.

The Linux kernel has been backed by corporate entities (even Microsoft) to keep it running. Do you think that Linus would work on the Linux kernel for free considering he has a family to feed and bills to pay? Hell no.

Do you think that there would be a Firefox browser and source code for Trisquel to modify without any type of money to the Mozilla team? Would developers feel motivated to work on it as their part or full time jobs? No.

Take a look at the Trisquel project. Ruben has to take a full time job because this operating system is not financially viable for him. He has to work on this in his free time and therefore releases and general updates are slow. If Ruben started trying to make money on this project besides donations, you would all throw a fit and say he sold out and is "evil" and flock to something else.

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