To play 1080p videos you'll need the following (tested on Trisquel 6.0 32bits):

* processor: 2.7Ghz (I guess about 2.3Ghz would be OK too).
* Graphics Card: 32MB video RAM (it can be shared memory, I've tested with shared memory, obviously onboard card). Decent CUDA and base clock speed. * Memory: 512MB DDR2 800Hzs (using 64bits OS will need more RAM | better using 2 x 256MB).
* North and South bridge with sufficient speed.
* Gnome Player as in Trisquel default. Most of the videos will play good but at some part like a lot of rain plus quick movements it could not run smoothy but after that it can "recover" from that. Unfortunately the best HD video player is non free and for Windows (MPC) because it makes a good use of codecs. Linux best player for this is GNome Player. Worst player ever for this is VLC (also in Windows). * Drivers: I dunno. I've always played with drivers working and nVIDIA chipsets. I'll try not using neuvou drivers and update it here. Aboove the specifics I mention before everyone should be fine but I can't say on ATI or Intel if that needs are the same for those graphic cards.

BTW: Post more specifications on the hardware you're running.

On HD videos and HRF is not about capcity, it's about speed.

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