В 22:54 +0100 на 23.02.2014 (нд), franparpe[nospam] написа:

> I use linterna Mágica on Midori Browser and even if it has some raw edges

File a bug report or a feature request with detailed description and a
way to duplicate the issues. Every bug and inconvenience matters to me.
After all the sole purpose of software (as every other tool) is to make
people's life easier.

> It is a very pleasure to know that you are on these forums.

I've been here for years. You can track me trough the web interface of
the forum/mailing list. :)

> Perhaps I've been a little impulsive on this comment but I like the fact that 
> I'm meeting authors from some programs I usually use.

Thank you for all the kind words. I appreciate it.

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