nomad said:
> but at least it must be usable at all: 0. Freedom to run the program.
> now os is useless, only thing i see is porridge from random pixels,
> and only way to fix it is install ati drivers. but you tell me that
> my freedom(to run the program as i wish, and i wish to run it with
> non-free component) is violate my freedom. what?

You're being hindered by a technical incapability, not from being mistreated.

Of course, the deblobbed Radeon driver isn't unusable as you claim (and it's an odd claim, since you never mentioned it before). It's just slower. Actually, my experience has been the opposite, though I'm sure it varies: I found that the proprietary Radeon driver caused the display to be all messed up, while the free/libre (deblobbed) Radeon driver is slow, but at least reliable.

You're spending so much time chastising Linux-libre for not supporting the blobs, apparently you're not even talking about your actual problems. If your display is messed up, the first thing you should be trying is updating the kernel (install the package linux-generic-lts-saucy).

nomad said:
> yes it is. os not work without then properly. its like capitalism
> which in theory not requires you to get job but in fact do.

No, no one is stopping or forbidding you from re-blobbing Linux-libre. You can do it. You're just unwilling to do the work to do it. By this logic, you don't have the freedom to climb mountains you're unwilling to climb because we don't have big carrying structures to help you. Get real.

Freedom doesn't mean everyone else caters to you.

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