Sorry, I can't stand this anymore.
I will tell you one of the reasons why the free software movement remains tiny even after the biggest spying scandal in history: Because its main leader is running around, telling non-technical persons to visit
and "download an ethical operating system".
Please choose 50 average persons - you can even tell them about free software beforehand and make sure that they agree on the necessity -, and give them this link.
How many of them do you think will end up as happy free software users?
I can tell you: non of them.
They will end up with dragora or blag or ututo, facing insuperable obstacles and finally giving up. This is the result of this "freedom is all that matters, we don't talk about anything else and give a shit about practicle things" attitude.

People will _never_ sacrifice huge parts of their computing, even huge parts of their whole life for freedom, except maybe an insiginificant tiny fraction of them, which gather around mainly in this forum. They won't quit their university career because it includes the use of non-free software, they won't stop buying plane tickets over the internet because it needs proprietary javascript and they won't give up their hobbies as well. You can tell them about freedom as long as you want, this fact won't change and anybody should agree on this.
So what's the purpose of this attitude?

Freedom IS important and we should tell people, but freedom is not ALL that matters, so why does this list on GNU doesn't include any other criteria for endorsing operating systems than just freedom?
Why does stallman not talk about anything else than freedom?
Can't he see that it's pointless?
But maybe it's not about influence, it's not about actually freeing people. It's just about praising own ideals.

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