If I copy the "panels" folder (which holds one file, "panel") and "config" file from /usr/share/lxpanel/profiles/LXDE to /usr/share/lxpanel/profiles/Trisquel-mini or to ~/.config/lxpanel/profiles/Trisquel-mini, then I get a working panel in the Trisquel-mini environment, albeit not the Trisquel-mini tweaked one.

I find this strange, however. If I load up the Trisquel Mini Live CD, which displays a functioning Trisquel Mini lxpanel, copy the Trisquel-mini "panels" folder and "config" file to the Trisquel-mini installation on the hard drive, the panel doesn't work. So now, I'm not sure if there is something inherently wrong with the panel file, or something in my Trisquel Mini netinstall is not properly communicating with that file, even though the normal LXDE lxpanel files work and the Trisquel Mini LiveCD panel also works.

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