Note: Sorry if I'm replying in the wrong level again.

Is there a way to update from 6.0.1 to 7.0 without having to
install it as a new system?

I sometimes check the repositories through Aptitude, and after
updating the cache twice (since in the first time I get an
error, something about not being able to reach one of Trisquel's
repositories), but the Triskel package version stays the same
and Aptitude reports no updates to it (and yes, I'm using KDE).

I also tried a simulation with:

sudo apt-get -s dist-upgrade

But I couldn't see any messages regarding a distribution

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

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– Se eu não te desejar um bom dia em meus e-mails, minhas
postagens, ou meus comentários; isto significa que estes foram
enviados por terceiros.

Automatic signature – North American English:
– Blog:
– Please do not send me Microsoft Office or Apple iWork
documents. Instead, send OpenDocument documents!
– If I don't wish you a nice day in my emails, my posts, or my
comments; this means that these were sent by third parties.

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