Ucclia has been running great on a 9 year old desktop - gNewSense4 beta - Xfce4 DE - greybird window theme - Faience Azur icons by tiheum on DeviantArt - Conky by oldgeek at Libre101 - Exaile playing Árstíðir(2009) by awesome Iceland band, Árstíðir (their 3rd album Kickstarter for $20,000 received $68,959 - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/arstidir/arstiir-music-from-the-heart-of-iceland-our-third) - Wallpaper is Cubes from LinuxLite (non-free distro, but the artwork is incredible) - Browser is Pale Moon 25.1.0 by Moonchild, because I like the old 24.0esr framework.

@davidnotcoulthard - That's a nice looking desktop. BTW, Sam finished LibreOffice and uploaded it this weekend. Still working on Iceweasel.

@tomlukeywood - on *nix desktops, the look has always been users' choice! :)

@Heather - Just downloaded latest live Blag alpha and will test against Tails for security. Hope to share my $.02 opinion later.

Live Free & Do Good Things!

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