I have a website and email server through namecheap. I'm very happy with their service. Recently, though, I switched over to Trisquel and along with that Icecat. Now the Namecheap website won't function completely unless I approve a bunch of nonfree js, which I don't want to do.

I once built a VPS and managed my own website and email server, but my email was constantly being abused by spam accounts. I don't fully understand how it happened. But when I chatted with people on IRC I got scolded for running my own email server if I didn't know what I was doing, because I was contributing to the spam problem.

I would love to run all of that stuff on my home computer, but there's two main things stopping me.

#1 Is I simply haven't got the bandwidth to pull it off.

#2 I'm afraid of exposing the rest of my computer which is relatively secure because I'm running a webserver, etc. that I really haven't got the skills to keep secure, especially when you allow third parties to contribute content and comments on my blog, etc.

I hope that someday in the future there will be new and easy ways to put up websites, ways that are decentralized and secure and as easy enough for grandma to do.

I'm already very hopful about Bitmessage. I can't wait for the day that it's in the Trisquel repo. That, to me, seems like an amazing way for individuals to easily engage in safe and ethical email. Now we just need something for blogs.

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