I'd already tried installing MATE with my trisquel mini install and although it basically worked I suspect there may be a few conflicts.

Theres also the issue of clutter with multiple desktop environments as each installs its own version of essential uitilities. Is there a way to manage/avoid/hide/compartmentalise that?

I do very much appreciate the freedom issues. However free software is only one axis in all the possible sorts of freedom it is possible fo a person to have. The freedom to get on with ones work (which is not maintaining a computer) is also a very important one. If ones work is in computing then those things are likely in alignment, if not then they can become misaligned by software that is not free providing the user with types of freedom that the free software does not (yet).

Although other freedoms should not in principle be at odds with free software, in some practical situations they can be. There are yet other axes of freedom to consider, and I had thought about writing something up about it but it seems a bit out of scope for this enquiry.

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