As others have pointed out this is the same old song from Purism as with their other units. They even use the same graph that clearly states their bios is not free, but then try to spin it by labeling it green anyway with the outlandish promise that they are "working on freeing it". Yet there have been no updates on this at all, because they are not working on it, indeed they have no standing to work on it. As was said on the Reddit take-down they are making empty promises, cashing in on the libre movement, and running off with everyone's money.

The really sad part is that they have a nice looking unit, albeit an over priced one. There are few differences between this unit and installing Trisquel on a Platinum rated laptop found on H-Node. Except for going the H-Node route is likely to be much cheaper for the same level of performance or greater even.

All Purism had to do was be honest that their system was not Libre, just as Think Penguin does. The problem is their entire business model is based on selling units that are Libre and as a result are more secure, its their entire sales pitch. It is that point they use to justify their prices, even if it isn't true.

What they are actually doing is pretending to be Apple by charging a crazy price for a nice looking, but completely run of the mill unit while using terms that have a clear definition in a dishonest way that is more convenient for their branding.

To me it looks like a debranded Asus unit from the S series and the idea that people are actually paying a minimum of 1600.00 is completely insane.

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