Here is the problem Chris:

When pressed you admit Purism "is not there yet" and have done so several times. This is always buried in a comment thread or the Purism blog. Where it counts, what funders see, and what customers see is that you already have the product you are actually working toward. People are spending near 2k and many think they have what you and I both know you don't. Purism's entire messaging is a big oversell, to the point that it looks like Purism is deliberately misleading those who invest. All other issues aside, which are legion, this is the point that leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. The fine print is not clear and it seems deliberately so.

Some side points as a Trisquel Community member:

1. Chris has much more respect here than you do, he raises legitimate concerns, which you ignore in all of your replies. I am far more likely to believe you are not being upfront than I am to believe that Chris is slandering you. Especially when the few bits you do offer seem like hedging and back peddling.

2. Its is not just Chris, indeed the growing number of media calling you out for your shadowy marketing sudo-Steve Jobs issues is growing and is much bigger than one voice. The fact that you focus solely on Chris speaks volumes about how seriously you take all of this.

3. Again we don't know you. The first thing you do in this community when responding to legitimate concerns is to call someone who has this communities respect and has been a huge asset a liar, and a slander. Thats not getting you far with anyone. I find all of your behavior on this forum very unprofessional and that further hurts the brand you are trying to build.

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