More news on "Purism":

An outrageous twitter post from Todd attacking an actual RYF FSF certified libre-laptop:

PC World did an article now too:

And so did IDG:

I think parts of the articles are a bit misleading and fall into Todd's hand unfortunately. The article still leads one to believe that Todd's doing something only adding to the list of things he can't really do. He may get PureOS endorsed by the FSF, but that'll just be further used to mislead people about the laptops he's selling. PureOS is little more than a Trisquel re-brand. I don't see this as moving things along. There are already two perfectly good distributions, Trisquel and Parabola GNU/Linux-libre. Re-branding Trisquel doesn't help anybody as these options already existed. It can only be used to sell people on this idea that he's doing something and put money into his little pocket.

And just to be clear with everybody- and Todd more specifically- since he seems to think I'm behind this- I had nothing to do with either of these articles being written, nor coreboot's attack on your genuinity. There are a lot of people upset with you. I contacted one reporter who you (Todd) already interviewed with and they have yet to do anything with that info. That reporter actually already had questioned the authenticity of what you were saying too (although I think it was only after the interview with you was published).

The one article says "If you do want high-end, current hardware, a Librem laptop offers a better free software experience than a MacBook, a Windows 10 ultrabook, or even Dell’s sleek Linux laptops, which simply plop Ubuntu on popular XPS notebooks designed primarily for Windows. "...

While that is true, it's misleading, in that it's not any better than what we've already got from a free software stand point.

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