I like it.

Maybe I would have emphasized the words freedom, privacy and market-freedom, in bold or something. Same for Trisquel GNU/Linux. These are the selling points.

Also, maybe borrowing from comparative advertising would help rive the point faster and harder. In most people's minds, let's say there's Ubuntu, Windows 10's statement about freedom and Privacy in their licence, etc. It shouldn't be legally risky, just pasting parts of their licence to drive home what makes Trisquel different and better.

But yeah, it's a brochure, not a book. Probably not enough space.

AS for the image choices on the first page, it essentially features GDM/Login, GIMP, The programs-rich repo, and file-managing and video. It can be crowded fast, but some "impressive" software to feature could be Blender, LMMS, Krita, something code-related (an IDE or a text-editor), a browser, email client, LibreOffice (reusing ideas from your text).

That's probably too much, but it could give a fuller, more striking picture. Maybe the desktops organised in a grid showing these softwares could be an option, provided it's readable.

Last but not least, "Enjoy Computing. Enjoy Privacy. Enjoy Freedom." I'd add privacy as an important feature that could motivate people. I know it worked for me. Or maybe "Regain control of your computing. Enjoy Privacy. Enjoy Freedom." Yeah, too long.

Anyway, just a few remarks.

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