Xonotic is ditching DarkPlaces, kicking LordHavoc to the curb and saying "fk you" for all his help. (source, Mario informing of this. http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/chaosesque-anthology-opensourcefree-fps-standalone-mod-of-xonotic-released?page=3


ChaosEsque will be staying with Darkplaces.

This is my thoughts on all this:

I suspect Xonotic will lose features rather than gain them in this move.

Does this new engine support AES crypto or will that be declared an "unnecessary feature so ofcourse we're doing away with it" (ofcourse!)

ChaosEsque uses such features as regular parts of the code (for petrification, perm blindness
you can't get out of it by reconnecting).

ChaosEsque will stay true to DarkPlaces. Infact a version that works well with older Intel GPUs has been standardized on for CE (some patches are brought backported from time to time)

This concerns me. I've seen the xonotic-wiki "moved" (can't find the info I used to find easily), pages deleted (and no this is not "fine", no matter what marketspeak the new guys use.

I bet the people desiring a move of engines are also comfortable with Systemd being forced into all the linux distros, and also with a removal of crypto because "who cares" "just a game" "fsck privacy"

Hats will be tipped to the side: these new guys know what they're doing.

I bet the Xonotic key gen server will be removed. Which is a blow to privacy as
all keys will then be only self signed, which can be MitMd sometimes possibly
(or atleast DoSd, think SSHv2, you can atleast DoS those, prevent connections).

"Unnecessary, crypto bad, systemd and needless change good"

I saw where things were headed when Xon let samual have free reign. I got off
that boat and jumped in the water. It's fine.

ChaosEsque will remain true to DP. There is also a maintained branch of the code
which has Divverent's bendy player models. Gets updated along side -concrete.

Honestly, if I were Lord Havoc I would be extremely angry and if I were him I would seek
to find those responsible. My thought process would be:
1) First they destroyed Nexuiz
2) And took it somewhat away from me in Xonotic.
3) Now they are dumping my code completely after I helped them in all things.

If I were him I would not let this go unanswered.
I don't know how he keeps his cool or why.

DP is a fine engine and I myself have not much come to it's limits yet.
I doubt regular Xonotic has either, as it seems not too much goes on there these days.

ChaosEsque will remain true though, and will be there when others wish to get off this cruise.

I really think it's disrespectful and it's as if Lord Havoc has been used and is now being discarded. It's disgusting to me really. Someone does all that work for you and now "Fuck em, he isn't being our slave anymore"... when you could just code the features
your damned self into his engine (the way opensource is supposed to work).

And what is wrong with Quake One support?
Like that's a bad thing "it's old"(similar argument from systemd supporters:
you know, people who're on the side of mass survellance and feminism, and opposed to security and anything males might like... "good right thinking progressive individuals")
I'm glad DP support Q1 well. I put in some code recently to make my mod
of xonotic more compatable with Q1 maps (so they load).

It's fun.

This really is treason. First taking LH's project, now throwing him into the trash. Ofcourse trashing the wiki while your at in (git hub is unsearchable without google), deleting everything for
zero reason (oh, progress, like SystemD).

The whole way of thinking disgusts me completely. It is wrong.
You shouldn't Use and THEN discard people and their products.
If you're going to Use people and what they make, stay true to them.
Don't be a lying scheming POS... you know? A snake in the grass kind of person.
"Oh LH isn't being USSSEEDDD enough by us right now, KICK EM TO THE CURB"

This is how Russia feels America did it btw.

Well those are my thoughts on that.
I'd like to know how Lord Havoc really feels about this.
If I were him I'd be pissed and I would not let it go, nor let it stand:
it would come to blows. Can't just use and then throw away people like that.
It is wrong, and the people doing it need to learn that or someone needs to learn them it.

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