> How to edit the original post?

You can edit the post by hitting the deceptively titled 'edit' button. Unless
you're using LibreJS, that is (which for some reason Trisquel, of all sites,
does not support).

> trisquel has a different browser

Than what? Vanilla Firefox? Trisquel has Abrowser (which comes with the
Trisquel DE), which is a fork of Firefox which comes with only free plugins
available. Trisquel also has IceCat, which is part of the GNUzilla suite- GNU's
modified Mozilla programs, which come with a whole host of plugins from the
EFF, GNU, and other nice places designed to preserve your freedom and privacy,
like LibreJS (designed to prevent non-free JavaScript running) and HTTPS
Everywhere (which has a list of websites which support SSL, and connects to
them using it, regardless of whether the link you followed or typed specified
it). These Firefox derivatives may make Trisquel stand out of the crowd, but
not really much more than, say, Debian, which packages Iceweasel and the like.

> Not Google DNS right?

What does this mean?

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