-- Concerning Defaults --

I would replace Trisquel's current GNOME fallback-based desktop with MATE.
Trisquel tries to present an accessible, traditional, and user-friendly desktop
experience, and I still think that GNOME 2 itself is the way to do it, rather
than having to fight GNOME 3 into shape. GNOME fallback (at least in my
experience) has always performed a *lot* slower than MATE, which performs
almost as snappily and lightly as Xfce. Not only is MATE reasonably lightweight
and responsive (like Xfce) it is very integrated and newbie-friendly (unlike
Xfce, which has clear influences from its 'geek' heritage). It is truly the
perfect combination of speed and functionality- ideal for a distribution such
as Trisquel.

If GNOME was replaced with MATE as Trisquel's official DE, I would get rid of
Trisquel Mini- MATE is light enough for older hardware anyway, and the
continuous maintenance of a separate distribution is just duplication of
effort- Trisquel Mini is buggy all over as it is. All effort should be
concentrated on the new Trisquel 8 MATE.

I would continue to provide only two separate variants of installation ISO- a
minimal network installation ISO, and an 'official' variant for newbies with
MATE preloaded.

-- Concerning the installer --

This is more for me than anyone else (since everyone else seems to be gushing
with praise for it)- but I absolutely hate the graphical installer. Not because
it's graphical, necessarily (the Debian graphical installer I think is
excellent) but more because I don't like the way it doesn't offer much choice
and has its options strewn all over the place. I think it is far better (and I
daresay more user-friendly) to have an installation procedure that is
step-by-step and asks one question at a time.

For the Trisquel installer, I would use the Debian text-mode installer as
currently offered on the netinstall CD. If graphical prettiness is *absolutely*
necessary, then I *suppose* the Debian graphical installer could be offered
too, which IMHO has a far nicer layout than the current Trisquel graphical
installer. Just replace the Debian banner with a Trisquel one, and job done.

-- Concerning the actual OP --

I use Xfce, since my computer is quite slow. I also just generally prefer Xfce,
followed closely by MATE.

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