We prefer to use the term 'free software' and 'free hardware', rather than 'open source', because we want to emphasise user freedom rather than just vague 'openness'. We already have fully free, as in freedom of speech, software: Trisquel GNU/Linux! The Free Software Foundation also has a list of fully free GNU/Linux distributions (which of course includes Trisquel): https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.html

As for free hardware, there does not exist hardware where every component is freedom-respecting. The most common flaws are non-free BIOS firmware, non-free wireless chips, and non-free graphics firmware. Fully free hardware would ideally have the board design freely available, and would only use components that run fully free software and firmware, right down to the controllers. If you are after fully free hardware, a good place to start is the Libreboot project, which develops a fully free replacement for proprietary BIOS: http://www.libreboot.org/ supported hardware: http://libreboot.org/docs/hcl/index.html Mobile devices are currently extremely poor for software freedom. They almost all run proprietary and signed bootloaders. The modem, which is always proprietary nearly always has access to device storage, processor, GPS, RAM etc, and can be controlled remotely because it is connected to the network constantly. However, there was a community project, called OpenMoko, which made community hardware, and it was continued by German company Golden Deliciousl. There is even a free-software GSM stack, called OsmocomBB. Community hardware is very expensive because it is produced in small quantities. Your best bet for (mostly) open mobile hardware is Replicant: http://www.replicant.us/ Replicant is based on Android and removes as many proprietary bits as humanly possible.

The hardware situation is anything but ideal. Unfortunately, most hardware companies won't co-operate, even Libreboot is mostly based on reverse-engineering. The real solution is community produced hardware.

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