My comment about what they talk about is I feel if the free software movement would not compromise at all and go the RMS road that would limit the message and it would isolate it to a small corner of teh internetz. A small isolated universe of geeky guys. I would not be a free software user if I hadnt listen to many hours of RMS talks at Youtube, and RMS dont want his talks on Youtube. Catch 22?

This isolation has the open source world cracked and has created great looking and easy to use distributions. The best example I know is Linux Mint. It is great looking, easy to use, easy to update and easy to install new software. Any Windows user can easy start using that.

My thinking is that free software movement today is too geeky. Geeks like RMS or long time "Linux" users that jump over to Trisquel. Trisquel is missing the "magic" that Mint, Ubuntu and other big distroes have. I think the firsts steps is too big for new users for Trisquel. If you show a new user any new Linux Mint release and Trisquel and say that Linux Mint is open source and Trisquel is free software the user would not go the free software road because they probably think that free software is 10 years after because of all the compromising/only free software.

I hope that Trisquel 8 will look a lot better then 7 out of the box. A good style, theme and icons for that I did read MATE. And some good looking included backgrounds. Themes that looks ok for a new user, a theme that dont repel new users. I cant contribute for the theming work but I can be a tester of the theme before final release of T8.

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