I don't give a hoot in Hell for anything but getting off this list.  I
don't want to go to the effort and wasted time of trying to help fix
it.  I just want off.  I sent my unsubscribe post but I'm still getting
trisquel posts.  The Trisquel mail bomb ruined Thunderbird, so now the
Junk file is the only place that gets mail and when I try to move it, it
is lost.  Thanks a lot, whoever did that.  I have not filed a bug
report, but my response to having 20MB of mail dumped into my inbox all
at once may have gone in as a bug report.  It's not a bug.  Whoever runs
the site finally figured out how to make it work, but didn't know how to
prevent what effectively was a DoS attack.  I can't use Trisquel due to
being unable to turn off the narrator before I run out of patience, but
it hasn't been a problem until this DoS attack.  I regret not
unsubscribing in time to prevent this.

Tommy Tolson 

On 04/18/2016 12:07 PM, fr...@openmailbox.org wrote:
> I can see the issue has been opened here in trisquel.info, but has it
> been done there : https://wiki.debian.org/Icedove#Reporting_Bugs ?
> And maybe it comes from the upstream thunderbird ?
> Bt the more, has someone tried to expose the problem to openmailbox
> maintainer ?

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