How do you deal with not having a smartphone in your daily life?

Very well, thank you.

I'm really interested to hear your (and others) real-life experience, and cases where you miss having one

You do not miss what you have never owned.

That said, the moment where I recognize a cell phone would be convenient is when I get lost (I am terrible at orientation) and when I am late (to warn whoever waits for me). The two situations often usually are combined.

Also, some people are mad at me, because they want to warn me that they are going to be late or because they want to change plans at the last minute, but cannot contact me.

Emergency contacts with friends and family?

Everybody asks me that. In 33 years, I have never had to make an emergency call. Maybe I am lucky. But I spend most of my time at home (with a land line) and at the university (with a land line too). If in the street, there would usually be people around. With cell phones.

And public phones still work (I must be the last one to use them, rarely though).

So, I do not see many situations where I could save a life with a cell phone...

Agenda reminders? Taking notes?

All in my laptop. I work on my laptop.

Playing chess?

I do not play chess.

Alarm clock?

Rockbox (the free operating system for my music player) has an alarm clock. I connect the player to a speaker I put on my bedside table and wakes up every morning with a playlist that I specially made for this purpose.

What if you don't sleep at home but you need to wake up?

I have my laptop with me, let it on, and install a crontab (here to wake up at 8am):
0 8 * * * rhythmbox-client --play

Various timers? For sport, cooking...

There is a clock in the kitchen. And sports, well, I do not do any. I should...

Music player? You answered that one, but the downside is having to use one more item instead of just one.

Again, I only carry the Sansa Clip Zip: it is tiny and can be clipped on your pocket. Very convenient. And Rockbox simply is great:

Web? E-mail?

The laptop. My wife complains that I spend too much time on that forum already!


There is a Rockbox application for that. But the Sansa Clip Zip is not made to be used as a calculator (arrows to move from a key to another). Anyway, I do not really need a calculator unless I am working on my computer, where I sometimes use enhanced "calculators" such as Scilab or Maxima!

Well, in pubs and restaurants, there always is the famous division to make but since everybody (but me) has a smartphone, I do not take care of those calculations. Anyway, since, usually, I am as well the only one paying cash, I just pay "the rest" at the end (in Brazil, tips are included in the check).

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