No it does have relevance. Unless you have been living under a rock for centuries, it might be obvious that the views David Duke espouses very often qualify as hate speech. He was a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan! They fucking lynch black people and go around shooting and intimidating them! He denies the Holocaust which killed millions of people in Europe, due to the fascist, racist ideology he subscribes to! So you chose the absolute worst example possible! It's abhorrent. You say he speaks the truth... You are obviously extremely gullible. You brought it up, and furthermore say that this video is the truth. It catastrophically undermines any semblance of argument that these anti-hate speech laws undermine free speech.

I will reiterate. They are not banning people from saying these things, just that the poisonous language be kept away from public forums. Why don't you challenge it in the courts? I don't think this really is worse than the moderation that already occurs on these websites. They have double-standards but it is their premises, and not the issue here. It is more like a no-platform issue for these views. All the GNU Social instances block hate speech and it is clearly defined, as here, is that an attack on free speech?

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