yeah that was a nice surprise to see it get off the ground like that. also, people who've heard of it but have not contributed yet will be thinking, "hmmm, payday at the end of the mooonth, gotta plaaan aheeeead" and so on.

as i'm here on a 90 day visa waiver in the USA, we had to go ahead on an accelerated schedule, as well as ensure that i and my family can be in taiwan during the right time-period (not summer!). we therefore didn't have time to coordinate everything (press releases) - i've only just learned a few days ago that debconf2016 had taken place, i've been so focussed on the actual details of the project! it turns out that john sullivan has been in africa (most likely at debconf), so very very busy, and so has not been accessible to discuss or approve FSF official communications.

we're all keenly aware that crowd funding campaigns are of limited duration, so if there's anyone that you feel you could reach out to, who is an FSF supporter, or whom you feel would benefit from this hardware, please do contact them yourself, that's really the main thing - let them know so that they can plan.

thanks everyone.

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