Maybe it is because Canonical don't make this clear at download, and at any rate a typical first-time user is just going to get on with it and not complain as they might not understand how repositories work or the importance of security updates. I have seen it mentioned a couple of times, especially on various computer security-focuesed forums. One forum topic was about some person's outrage at the 'betrayal' by Canonical. Whatever... The experienced users more likely to know about this generally use the latest Ubuntu release, which is updated every six months, but the people who are more likely to use LTS are less likely to know or care or understand. Also Canonical can't be bothered; so that is the biggest reason why they don't publicise this as it would give them bad press and might alarm potential customers to data-mine in Unity desktop (o.k., they don't do this anymore "by default" (although they could if they were evil) but whatever)).

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