So, as I really wonder, being a curious person, why are you so keen on supporting Alina, other than "they are my friend", I've researched more on her.

You say her family is poor, but that article says she was at the time a "bored kid from a wealthy family", who thought placing an explosive in a cafe was somehow a good way to express her ennuì and disgust.

So, to recap:

2009 - Alina (then Dmitry) explodes a cafe and gets away with it.

2015 - Found with 12 g of amphetamine
Again, gets away with it...

2016 - Drives with a fake license

This time, and about time, the authorities think it is probably better to apply the law.

Can you explain me again why would people donate to Alina? You know, being functionally illiterate it might just be that I'm missing the point.

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