So, to recap:

You skimmed through Alina's fundraising page, and concluded that there is a "lack of transparency" because you missed the statement where it is explained what he is accused of doing, while at the same time assuming that he is gullible without proof.

Then you read a news article according to which my friend is accused of amphetamine possession, and you post here claiming that the accusation is for methamphetamine possession which is a different compound (not a trivial difference, because while amphetamine is safe and therefore used therapeutically, metamphetamine is harmful in its primary use).

Now again you show your functional illiteracy. My friend never "exploded a coffee". I should note that nowhere does the article that you linked, which is from 8 years ago, says that the coffee "exploded" or even that anybody was hurt. That my friend may have played a teenager's practical joke which people made a big fuss about, is a different matter.

Sputnik News made it up that my friend is rich along with the term "Golden Youth". If you make a search for it, you will see that basically only this Sputnik News article mentions this term. It is not used, or at least not in Russia.

>why are you so keen on supporting Alina, other than "they are my friend"

Well, if helping a friend because he is a friend is not enough of a reason for you, then I am sorry for your friends! I on my part am not indifferent to my friends problems and I need no more of a reason to help them than friendship.

>she SHOULD be in a jail, like **everyone** else who commits illegalities

I remind you that here you accused my friend of committing a crime without proof. And you owe Alina and me a public apology for this and a retraction of your words.

I do not know you do it where you live, but in Russia, people is not trialed by linking to popular newsletters but by evidence. That is the job of an attorney in law. We do not have enough money to pay for what they charge, and that is why I came here to as for help.

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