Protip: using the word "historically" doesn't grant your conspiracy theories legitimacy. If you want to say that something has "historically" happened, you need to be prepared to back up that claim with some examples.

> imposed vaccines in schools which have mercury

Vaccines intended for young children do not have thimerosal anymore. Even when they did (2 decades ago), it was such a tiny dosage that it couldn't have even the slightest effect on any human's health. The kids who go thimerosal from their vaccines were probably damaged much more by naturally occurring asbestos dust, or lead which naturally occurs in the dirt. It's certainly nothing compared to the amount of mercury metal encountered in a single serving of fish.

Also, it's not reasonable to equate thimerosal to mercury metal. They are not the same things. It's like equating oxygen (O2) to ozone (O3). Oxygen is essential for human life, but ozone is quite toxic. You can't just add the effects of individual elements together to find out what a substance will do to the human body.

> with wars in middle east

Funny enough, yeah, the wars in the middle east are a result of powerful people trying to take over the world. But those powerful people are those running the established United States empire, just as all empires throughout history have tried to do. There's no need to invoke an "Illuminati" or "New World Order" to explain it.

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