
I'm not spreading FUD or speculating. I'm bringing up real issues with your product, since I know a bit more about these laptops that others ;)

I think you have a good product, but with the high price and considering that it's not much different than the T400 which Minifree sells, why would someone want to buy one of your T400S for 778 EUR when they can buy a Minifree T400 for 198 EUR?

Minifree, like you, also sells high quality, even at such low prices :)

We make sure that our batteries are all at least 50Wh, often they are above 60 or 70Wh. We stress test our T400s and make sure that the temperature is 75C or lower on load (often it's 65C or lower). We check the quality of the keyboard (and change to foreign layout, depending on customer, if we have their native layout in stock - e.g. German QWERTZ). We check all the ports to see if they all work (e.g. USB ports, gigabit ethernet).
We test the RAM in memtest86+
We even sell Libreboot stickers with our laptops ;)

I'm not even personally making any money on these laptops, at the price they're at. The money goes strictly towards funding Libreboot (and paying our staff). Any money left for me simply pays my rent, food, utility bills, taxes, etc.

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