a...@ncf.ca wrote:
Is there a reason that Google/YouTube won't do full-screen video in Internet Explorer?

We're not Google or YouTube's tech support.

I wondered whether Youtube/Google was diminishing compatibility with
their competitors' web browsers to give their own web browser an
advantage in the market.
Perhaps so; you should try asking them since it's their webpage. As far as any free software distro mailing list ought to be concerned, this might be a fight between software proprietors and you'd be better off finding the videos you seek elsewhere, or using a free program such as youtube-dl to download the videos (which I understand doesn't execute the non-free JS code YouTube serves), or skipping them in favor of videos that favor free software. archive.org hosts many such videos and doesn't require non-free software to work with at all.

I certainly recommend avoiding non-free software such as Windows, Google Chrome, and the non-free code in YouTube altogether.

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