It's community involvement time!

One of the things that came from the development meeting on December 8 is the need to test the upgrade process. This is something that anyone can do and report problems in the bug tracker.

It can even be done inside a virtual machine so that you don't have to mess with your existing system.

#1: Install QEMU; sudo apt install qemu

#2: Make an empty disk image: qemu-img create -f qcow2 trisquel-master.qcow2 22G You can, of course, set whatever size to whatever you want. The qcow2 format only uses as much space as what is actually occupied inside the disk, which will be nothing at first.

#3: Install Trisquel into the master disk image:
qemu-system-x86_64 -hda trisquel-master.qcow2 -cdrom trisquel_7.0_amd64.iso -boot d -enable-kvm Note that you may need to adjust the qemu system name to qemu-system-i386 if you want to install the 32-bit version of Trisquel, and you will probably also need to adjust the name of the ISO.

#4: Install Trisquel into the virtual machine.

#5: Copy trisquel-master.qcow2 to trisquel.qcow2. In this way you can leave trisquel-master.qcow2 untouched and use it as a snapshot to go back to (by copying it back to trisquel.qcow2 without having to spend the time reinstalling Trisquel.

#6: Boot the system: qemu-system-x86_64 -hda trisquel.qcow2 -enable-kvm
You may need to adjust that name to qemu-system-i386 if you are running the 32-bit version.

Anyway, the next step would be to try upgrading to Trisquel 8. It is important to try over and over and over again with lots of different package combinations to look for breakage, not just upgrading from the defaults because not everyone uses the defaults. Try installing from the netinstall and installing packages and then upgrading.

Regardless, identify cases where things break the upgrade process and report those as bugs on the tracker.

The more testing that is done in advance, the better the upgrade process can be. Find & fix the problems in advance.

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