If I recall correctly, isn't GNU IceCat constantly being updated also in

I noticed this to be true because when I inspect the version of the
package in the repositories, I get the same version I'm using now from
GNU Guix. So I vote for sticking with GNU IceCat from Trisquel.

Alternativelly, you can go the longer route: after installing Trisquel,
install GNU Guix package manager, and from it install GNU IceCat.

Comparing the common advice of adding a repository/PPA to your package
manager, and the GNU Guix way suggested above: the second has the
advantage of having GNU FSDG-committed repositories and community by
default, having focus on reproducibility and a free/libre software

2017-11-01T18:09:28+0100 alonivt...@gmail.com wrote:
> As you know Trisquel's recent releases (6 and 7 and the upcoming 8)
> are long term releases.
> These releases tend to offer software which does not receive version
> updates for the available packages, however they do offer version
> updates for the main Mozilla browser.
> Many of the browsers provided by Trisquel have changed dramatically
> over the past few years, so finding a browser which one can update
> regularly without breaking exiting features (similar to a new video
> player which offers support for new codecs while retaining support for
> older codecs) is a difficult task. I'll cover the main issues with the
> popular browsers.
> Mozilla based (Abrowser/IceCat): Mozilla's decision to switch to web
> extensions will break many legacy add-ons. In addition, support for
> ALSA was dropped in recent versions and NPAPI based plugins which
> enabled playback of video using players such as VLC (instead of using
> HTML5) no longer work. At the moment IceCat is based on an older ESR
> (extended support release) version of Firefox which still supports
> these features, however they will probably be dropped in the next
> version. Firefox forks such as Waterfox (which currently supports
> ALSA) might rectify some of the issues (the latest version fails to
> playback video using an external player).
> Seamonkey based (Seamonkey/Iceape): Currently the browsers unction the
> same as in the past, but they will probably change as well as they
> base their code on newer versions of Firefox. Another Firefox fork
> called Pale Moon (which looks very similar to Seamonkey with the Sea
> Fox and GNOMErunner add-ons) promises to offer support for older
> features, but the browser is currently incompatible with many Mozilla
> add-ons (a task the developers are addressing).
> WebKit based: Midori hasn't seen a new release since 2015 and was
> recently removed by Hyperbola. When I last tested it it suffered from
> stability issues (it sometimes unexpectedly crashed). Epiphany/Web has
> changed dramatically over the years: the old extensions no longer work
> after the browser switched to a newer WebKit engine, JavaScript can no
> longer be disabled in the settings or through dconf-editor (since the
> developers thought this was a pointless feature to offer) and add-ons
> are now integrated in the browser (at the moment mostly adblock). On
> the bright side, ALSA is still supported, the browser can be used to
> access LibreCMC router's web interface which does not support SSL, and
> since it is part of GNOME it is actively developed. The browser might
> still support NPAPI plugins (they appear under about:plugins),
> although I couldn't test my configuration, as I use ViewTube which
> requires Greasemonkey which is currently missing (the developers might
> integrate it into a future release). NPAPI plugin support might depend
> on whether Apple supports it in the future in their WebKit based
> desktop browser (they currently do).
> Others: I haven't tested anything else. Other browsers might be worth
> checking out, however note that several are blacklisted by libre
> distributions due to severe issues (not just recommending non-free
> add-ons), such as Konquerer due to qt5-webengine being non-free. I'm
> not sure Iridium (Chromium based) is considered free at the moment.

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