I also think this does not do any good to the free software community to argue over things that have been proven again and again.

No, they have not. I repeat: "Please be serious: either show us obfuscated functions in systemd's code or do not reply (especially not with more bullshit)".

There is a good reason hyperbola, devuan, and other distros have rejected systemd.

There is a good reason Fedora, Arch, openSUSE, Mageia, Manjaro, Mint, Red Hat, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, ... (want more?) have been using systemd by default for several years.

Just stop okay. Don't give me that trump bs okay? Trump bs as in, I will deny the truth no matter what evidence is presented.

What evidence have you presented? I repeat: "Please be serious: either show us obfuscated functions in systemd's code or do not reply (especially not with more bullshit)". By the way, if you do not even know what your accusations mean: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obfuscation_(software)

This does not benefit anyone.

FUD does not benefit anyone.  You do FUD.  I do not.

It is you sadly who is rejecting reality.

Unless you can show us obfuscated functions in systemd's code, the "reality" is "systemd's code is not obfuscated, your accusations are groundless, you are a lier".

I kindly ask you to knock off the blind fanboy bit.

And I kindly ask you to either show us obfuscated functions in systemd's code or to stop replying. It is a kind request: I do not expect you to admit that you made that accusation up (although it may be another ignorant hater who made it up and you are just repeating it: systemd's haters do that a lot).

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