No, they have not. I repeat: "Please be serious: either show us obfuscated functions in systemd's code or do not reply (especially not with more bullshit)".

I already gave you my links and they are indeed accurate.

There is a good reason Fedora, Arch, openSUSE, Mageia, Manjaro, Mint, Red Hat, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, ... (want more?) have been using systemd by default for several years.

Nope, it is the lazy developer's init system. They use it because they are freakin lazy and because they think there will be more better features when it reality this is false.

What evidence have you presented? "Please be serious: either show us obfuscated functions in systemd's code or do not reply (especially not with more bullshit)". By the way, here is what you are looking for:

I have presented enough evidence. and I repeat, it is not your job to tell me what to do.

FUD does not benefit anyone. You do FUD. I do not.

You are the one spreading false information. Sorry, but its true.

Unless you can show us obfuscated functions in systemd's code, the "reality" is "systemd's code is not obfuscated, your accusations are groundless, you are a lier".

I doubt you will listen no matter what links I find on the internet to prove my point. I am sick of people denying reality whether it is people like trump supporters or systemd supporters. It is all the same

And I kindly ask you to either show us obfuscated functions in systemd's code or to stop replying. It is indeed a kind request: I do not expect you to admit that you made that accusation up (although it may be another ignorant hater who made it up and you are just repeating it: systemd's haters do that a lot).

Correction, I don't hate systemd, I dislike and do not trust it. I am not skilled enough to know how to explain the obfuscated functions in systemd's code. If you want more information, ask hyperbola or devuan people to explain this truth.

There is a reason hyperbola doesn't support systemd. same with Devuan. Ask them they know more than me.

You are just full of hate I fear for anyone who disagrees with you. Thus, this is a mood point to explain anything.

If you call me a lier, then I know I am doing something right otherwise you wouldn't be persecuting me for my truth.

I kindly ask you and onpon to stop replying because this is not beneficial and I will not cave into your demands or your lies.

I am not saying you cannot believe what you want, just that you have opinions and so do I. In my experience, everything adds up to systemd being horrible as a fact.

Last point though, just drop it. I will not surrender to someone who doesn't give a rats ass about the truth.

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