> FSF proponents here would argue that through trust (in so called community) you get the necessary certainty. But as I have said on other occasions - trust is a belief. It creates more uncertainty as it is not based on direct observation but on an idea. When you look a the tree outside your house - there is nothing to trust or believe. The tree is there, you can see it, touch it. You don't need a community of experts to provide certifications and endorsements that there is a tree.

Well you do have to trust your senses. That you aren't having an hallucination or a dream, for instance.

But more importantly there are plenty of things you can "trust" (in a qualified sense) that you don't interact with directly. I haven't directly seen an electron or the dwarf planet Pluto. I haven't been to Thailand or Angola. Nor have I touched the original Rosetta Stone or Terracotta Army. Nor have That doesn't mean that I am "wrong" to trust that those things are real. All of those things can be verified by a community of scientists, cartographers, historians, and archeologists because they are by their nature open to peer review, in both its formal and informal sense. One does not need to fall into the trap of solipsism, instead we can have various degrees of trust.

To bring it back to software, I have not read the millions of lines of code in the software I use. But I "trust" in the free/libre community of programmers to find flaws in them. Is it perfect? Of course not. Can it be improved? Yes, auditing software for security flaws should be an extremely important part of software design. (Just like replicability should have an even more important role in science) Is it the best we have? It appears that way.

In fact your test of various browsers for leaking information is a great example of this. You, a member of the free/libre community even as an amateur, found a problem, reported it, and it appears is being taken seriously. Thank you for that.

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