True, but that refers to the *specific* exploit they tested. I'm sure you know better than to think that malware can never infect a GNU-Linux system. Getting a user to open an untrusted file from a random website, when the file type is one that is a *known vector for malware* on at least one OS, seems to me like exactly the sort of social engineering attack that could be used to overcome the baked-in security of GNU-Linux.

This is especially the case when opening that file requires the user to install a non-default piece of software like xchm, a GUI layer developed by one person on SourceForge (known to be a source of untrustworthy binaries), for a library (CHMLib) developed by one person, that hasn't been worked on since 2009!

Chances are neither of these programs has been security tested with Ubuntu 14.04, let alone with Trisquel specifically, nor the code put through a security audit. I might as well just put out a welcome mat outside my front door with my root passphrase printed on it, take a photo, and post it on 4Chan with my current IP address.

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