Hi all, does anybody know what is going on here? I muted the Orca screen reader from the outset, because I don't need it myself, but I didn't uninstall it, as I figured it would be good to be able to demonstrate that particular functionality when I show off my Trisquel v8.0 installation to others.

However, I have noticed my machine slowing down a lot, recently. When I checked htop, arranged by MEM% and sorted highest to lowest, the top memory hogs were all the Orca screen reader. I killed the processes for this session, and my RAM usage has gone way back down to acceptable levels. However, just killing the processes means, naturally, that the next time I reboot I will have the same problem. I still don't want to uninstall Orca if I can help it, but I would like to know how to prevent it from hogging all my RAM. Any ideas?

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