The computer on which I have this issue currently does not work, so
until the part I need to fix it arrives I can't test any further. Here,
however, are some ideas that come to mind. Maybe someone else can look
into them for now.

- Does the same issue happen with Ubuntu's Firefox? If not, then that
  narrows down the possible causes of the problem to things that are
  different between Ubuntu and Trisquel. Else, the bug is from upstream
  and should be reported and fixed there. Someone can check on this by
  booting into a live Ubuntu session and running Firefox.

- I have already tried downloading Firefox from Mozilla and running
  that. The problem does not occur. Since Mozilla's distribution of
  Firefox for GNU/Linux comes with its dependencies bundled rather than
  using packages from the Trisquel repo, it's possible that the problem
  is not with Abrowser but with one of its dependencies.

- However, I have never had this problem with Icecat, even though it
  does use packages from the repo. A difference between Icecat and
  Abrowser is that Icecat is based on ESR52. It will be interesting to
  see if Icecat starts having this problem when it moves to ESR60. I
  have never run into the problem with Tor Browser, which has moved to
  ESR60 but like Firefox comes with its dependencies bundled.

- Since this only affects some users, the problem might be related to
  hardware. I suggest that anyone who has this problem share hardware
  information here[1] to help determine what the machines on which users
  this bug have in common.


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