> Ah, okay. so it happens with bsd, unix and the rest?

Of course. All operating systems have bugs at some point. You've seen or at least heard about the Blue Screen of Death, right? And I seem to recall RMS suggesting that the GNU Hurd had problems crashing; I never looked into that, but I have no trouble at all believing it. And not just operating systems. Every single program I've worked on has crashed at some point, and most have also had massive bugs that broke their functionality. Programmers are human. And when you have to compile together hundreds if not thousands of programs you had no part whatsoever in developing, or that might interface in ways you never considered, it's no wonder that sometimes the software fails and crashes every once in a while.

But it's worth reiterating that this particular problem seems to have been a hardware problem, not a software problem.

> Out of curiosity what is your favorite desktop environment?


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