Aabout a year ago I burned a Verbatim 18GB USB flash drive with a view to repairing a desktop PC with a broken Trisquel install. It works fine with my present T420, but that laptop has developed some serious mechanical issues (letters worn off the keyboard, DVD drive door won't stay latched, huge numbers of SATA error messages in the dmesg
outputs, too mauch dust inside the case) so I bought a refurbished T420 with
Windows 10 pre-installed, and now I want to run Trisquel_8 with the same hardware, but as an external HDD (already installed on a 1TB desktop-style HDD). My dilemma is that the USB-connected drive is not getting recognized and isn't booting up.

I've been attempting bootups with the 18GB flash drive, but all I've managed is to get Windows 10 to recognize the Verbatim dongle as the E:\ drive, but windows does
not recognize the file system of the dongle.

So far, I've made the BIOS settings in the recently acquired T420 the same as those in the fading T420, but that dongle with its Trisquel_8 trial version is not booting,
even in the same USB port as what works on the old T420.

My backup plan is to take out the 180GB SSD out of the newly acquired T420 and put in a blank 1TB mechanical HDD in its place, then use the USB dongle to partition the 1TB drive, which I bought from the same store to match the SATA spec's that the T420 expects to see. That will leave the original 180 GB drive to plug back in to the
T420 (for resale) in case I can spring for a proper T400.

Is there a BIOS setting that can be made to facilitate this effort ?

George Langford

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