in 2014 I was using trisquel up until, I think 2016, then I changed to Debian jessie and switched sometimes with testing, then Devuan jessie sometimes though moving to its form of stretch, ascii... and then follow back to one years ago exactly I switched to Hyperbola, which I haven't tried hibernate too often, but suspend, hardly ever a problem and hibernate also hasn't been a problem. Though, I am not sure why this is, but occasionaly after being left on too long it freezes on really rare occasions. Weird right?

My point being, Devuan, Debian both occasionally have problems with hibernate, (if using FDE!) and Trisquel 7 doesn't really hibernate without the crappy original kernel. and Trisquel 8 might have fixes for hibernate/suspend, but probably not hibernate.

Also, This was all on my x200!

My other point being, I THINK, though I could be wrong, its a ubuntu base problem.

Trisquel was better off being a fork of debian and then being moved about to look like it is now without using ubuntu. That's just my opinion though. Making an easy installer like the one ubuntu has and then changing it to install a debian like os shouldn't be too hard right?

Because, I know debian and devuan rarely have this issue. Ubuntu might, I am not sure if it does, but It might. I never used ubuntu and trisquel is, a ubuntu derivative whether libre or not which has had this issue of hibernation.

I could only hibernate back then by using the original kernel when I installed trisquel. Once though I installed a different kernel, forget about it...

My experience is this basically.

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