> I just received my first librebooted machine, the X200 Thinkpad. Thank you vikings!

You're most welcome! =)

> 1. How much of a hit does performance take with full disk encryption? My past experiences show that performance does take a very significant hit when encrypting /home. But maybe I was doing it wrong? My new X200 feels really fast and responsive, but I didn't try anything more demanding than using abrowser yet...

That's because the X200 is a reasonably fast machine. Still. After all these years. Performance will drop with full disk encryption, mostly when accessing storage. If you want to know how much, simply run a benchmark and compare an encrypted to a non-encrypted system.

> 2. How difficult is it to install a GNU/Linux on the X200 with libreboot? I read the documentation on libreboot.org and it mentions typing in commands in the grub menu, and manually creating a grub configuration after install to get a bootmenu and prevent manually typing boot commands each time. Is that actually required for all machines with libreboot?

You install GNU/Linux on a system with Libreboot as on any other machine. There is no need to change GRUB in the payload to install GNU/Linux. But you can, and that is reasonably well described on the Libreboot website. Note there are many ways to do full disk encryption...

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