Instructions 7 and 11 of give you a shell with root privileges and, indeed, you then need to 'mount /dev/sda6 /home'.

That said, you can also get a root terminal from GRUB's menu, using the "e" key to edit the entry you will boot and adding the "single" option to Linux (as far as I remember). /home will be mounted with that technique.

Realizing how easy it is to get a root terminal for anybody with a physical access, you may then want to add recovery entries to GRUB's "Advanced options for Trisquel" (or whatever it is called). Here is how:

Open /etc/default/grub in your favorite text editor (here 'nano') and using administrative privileges:
$ sudo nano /etc/default/grub
Add the character "#" at the beginning of the following line of /etc/default/grub:
Save and quit;
Update GRUB:
$ sudo update-grub

Recovery entries boot in root terminals.

Your command is fine but, after reading some of 'man adduser', I am pretty sure it can simply be:
# adduser --uid 10000 --gid 500 jim
Also, that command should create the group as well.

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